The show comprises around 200 recent works by the Venetian-born artist, drawn mainly from her own studio collection. Produced between 2003 and 2006, they reflect the latest phase in her art, which has focussed on the representation of humankind’s vital energy. The exhibition itself, designed by Daniela Ferretti, aims to reproduce the feeling and atmosphere of the artist’s extraordinary studio, with the space divided up into polygonal structures that house the dense collections of works; through these spaces, which are both open and enclosed, visitors enter into direct emotional contract with what they see. Outside these structures, which are given over entirely to the Terrestrials, a selection of works along the long right-hand wall of the room will chart the most significant phases in Ida Barabarigo’s intense artistic career from the 1960s onwards. Catalogue published by Marsilio with texts by Giandomenico Romanelli, Jean Clair and Kosme de Barañano.