Museo Fortuny

Museo Fortuny

TECH-TILE Stephen Bottomley

Stephen Bottomley

Stephen E. Bottomley
Curriculum e cronologia | Curriculum vitae and Chronology

Formazione | Education
Nato Born 1967, Norwich
1986 – 1989 BA Hons 3D–Metals, West Surrey College of Art and Design, Farnham
1998 Exchange to Rhode Island School of Design, USA
1996 – 1998 MA Design, University of Brighton
1999 – 2001 MPhil RCA, Royal College of Art, London

Premi | Awards
1992 South East Arts Training Grant
1993 Foundation for Sport & the Arts Award
1993 British Council Grants to Artists
1990 Prince’s Youth Business Trust Grant
2000 South East Arts Major Award for an Individual artist
2001 South East Arts Travel Award
2001 British Council Travel Award to Goethe-Institute IT conference Kansai-Kyoto

Incarichi | Appointments
1992 – 2001 Associate Lecturer, Hastings College of Art
2000 –2004 Associate Lecturer, Surrey Institute of Art and Design, BA 3D–Metals
2002 – 2003 Course Leader ND Graphics – 3D Pathway, Hastings College of Art
2002 – 2004 Course Leader, Professional Development, Hastings College of Art
2003 – 2004 Course Leader BA Art & Design, University of Brighton at Hastings College of Art
2003– 2004 Associate Lecturer, Art and Cultural History post-graduate programme, University of Brighton
2004– 2007 Course Leader, BA Metalwork & Jewellery, Sheffield Hallam University
2008 – Head of Department Jewellery and Silversmithing, Edinburgh College of Art

Collezioni permanenti | Permanent collections
1998 Molina Fine Arts Collection, Arizona, USA
1999 South East Arts Craft Collection at Hove Museum
2001 British Museum, London – Department of Coins and Medals Collection
2001 Royal College of Art, Goldsmithing, Silversmithing, Metalwork and Jewellery collection

Incarichi di settore |Professional memberships
2002 Crafts Council Photo-store register of selected makers
2003-2007 Executive member of Association for Contemporary Jewellery
2005-2007 Executive Member of the National Jewellery Steering Group (UK)
2005-2007 Chairman, Association for Contemporary Jewellery
2007 Enamel, Textile and Ceramic Applied Arts Research Group, Bristol School of Art, Media and Design, University of the West of England

Mostre personali |Solo exhibitions

1995 Wired, Sussex Arts Club, Brighton
1999 John McKellar Gallery, Hereford
2000 Reliefs, Gallery V&V, Vienna
2000 Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh
2002 White Gallery, Brighton
2004 Lesley Craze Gallery, London
2007 Tech-tile, Museo Fortuny, Venice

Selezione mostre collettive | Selected group exhibitions

1990 Vice Versa, Dublin, (National Touring Exhibition)
1994 10th Anniversary Show, Leslie Craze Gallery, London
1995 Gefullte Sommerlocher, Galerie Cebra, Dusseldorf
1995 Jewellery 9, Leeds City Art Gallery
1996 Unique and Original, Glasgow Print Studios, Edinburgh
1997 10th Anniversary Exhibition, Galerie Cebra, Dusseldorf
1998 British Week, Molina Fine Art Jewellery, Arizona
1999 Schmuck ’99, International Handwerksmesse, Munich
1999 Rook, Tower of the Beurs Van Berlag Museum, Amsterdam
1999 Brighton Up! The Black Swan Gallery, Frome & Brewery Arts, Cirencester
2000 Applied Technology: Janet Stoyel and Stephen Bottomley, The Foyer Gallery, Surrey Institute of Art & Design, Farnham
2000 Applied Technology: Janet Stoyel and Stephen Bottomley, Hove Museum and Art Gallery
2001 Belgian & British New Contemporaries, Villa De Bondt, Gent
2001 L’immagine del Gioiello, Alternatives Gallery, Rome
2002 15th Anniversary Exhibition, Galerie Cebra, Dusseldorf
2002 Computers and Working Creatively in Three Dimensions –
S. Bottomley and J. Marshall, (virtual exhibition)
2004 Jewellery Unlimited, Bristol Museum and Art Gallery
2005 Limited Edition, Manchester Craft & Design Centre
2005 The Watkins Era, (RCA alumni and current students), Contemporary Applied Arts, London
2006 Loot, Museum of Art and Design, New York

2006 Limited Edition, Gold-digger 79 Gallery, Belfast
2006 Am Ball, Der Goldene Schnitt, Karlsruhe
2006 Re-Group (RCA 2001 alumni), Westbourne Grove Church, London
2006 Re-Group (RCA 2001 alumni), Villa De Bondt, Gent
2006 Heirlooms, St Bartoph’s Church, London
2007 Reviving the Filigree, Povoa de Lanhosa
2007 Full Circle, Studio Fusion Gallery, OXO Tower, London

Ricerche e pubblicazioni| Research papers and publications

2001 Digit to the digital for ‘Digital Creativity’, Ed. Beardon.C and Malmborg.L, Swets & Zetlinger, 2001, Volume 12, Issue 3, pp187-189, Switzerland
2001 A Tool of our Time. Paper for ‘Technology and IT for a City of Culture’ Conference, Goethe-Institute, Kansai-Kyoto
2002 Brighton and Hove Museum, Contribution to Oral History Project Archive
2004 Something Old –Something New, the marriage of digital craft, S. Bottomley and D. Goodwin. Paper for ‘Challenging Craft’ Conference, Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen
2005 Something Old –Something New’ the marriage of digital craft, S. Bottomley and D. Goodwin. Paper for, ‘Autonomatic’ Symposium, Falmouth College of Art, Truro
2006 Associated Lives, Meanings and Shared Directions. Paper for ‘Blue skies and singing rings’ an AHRC ICT Research Methods Expert Network Seminar, National Museum of Science and Industry, DANA Centre, London
2007 Tech-tile: new work by Stephen Bottomley from the textiles and patterns of the Fortuny Museum, Venice. Paper for CREATE Conference, ‘Managing Colour in Digital Processes & the Arts’, Bristol School of Art Media and Design, University of Western England

Studi e sedi| Studios, workshops and placements
1989 Studio Assistant to James Cox, Red Herring Studios, Brighton
1990 Established own studio in Brighton
1991- 1992 Attended stone-setting, diamond mounting and die sinking extended studies workshops, Sir John Cass Institute, London
1999 Studio Assistant to Louis Mueller, Providence, USA
1999 Attended ‘Jewellery Maker /Shaman’ symposium and workshop – Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
2004 Relocated studio to Sheffield
2006 Visiting artist at the Enamel Research Centre, University of Western England